PIF is short for Parental Involvement Fee and is a program that was implemented at LCA over 15 years ago. It was introduced by the board of directors as a way to keep our community engaged in service and volunteerism at the school. The PIF program allows us to effectively run various events and programs throughout the school year, and is a tremendous help to our fundraising efforts at LCA.

Every year, each LCA family is responsible to work off a $400 PIF fee which they can do by volunteering time, donating goods, or simply by paying off the fee. This webpage is designed to keep you informed of the different service/donation opportunities that are available throughout the year. You can also submit receipts for any of these activities you have participated in via the upload feature below.



Birthday Blessings

We would like to invite each of you to prayerfully consider acknowledging each of our amazing staff members on their special day (or their half birthday) by choosing someone to shower with love on their birthday. You can receive up to $50 PIF when your receipt is submitted.

Lunch Room Volunteers

Please sign up to be a Lunchroom Aide and monitor the students during their lunch period.  $10/PIF awarded for every hour.  When signing up, please try to be available for the entire time slot of 10:55AM-1:30PM.  

Grocery Cards

Did you know:
When you buy grocery store gift cards from LCA, the school gets a kickback? You’re already spending the money… why not purchase the gift cards from us and help fundraise for LCA!? You also get PIF!

We need your help LCA Family! All ministry leaders are invited to attend our special event on February 7th and we would love to give them a warm, Mighty Mustang Welcome! Please see the needs below to make this event a memorable event. Thank you so much for your willingness to help and serve our school community.